- Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio
likes to paint himself as a conservative freedom fighter who is on the
side of the people fighting for their freedom against big government.
But that is a bunch of rubbish.
Sal DiCiccio isn't any more of a
conservative freedom fighter then Hitler was.
And for that matter up to this point in time (Saturday, December 22, 2012)
Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio
has not respond to any of my
requests for public records
about this incident.
- Here are some
about the 33 percent raise of $78,000 that the
Phoenix City Council members voted to give
Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos bumping
his salary from $237,000 to $315,000 a year.
- In these
it sure sounds like the members of the Phoenix City Council
are using these so called "discretionarys funds"
to rip off the taxpayers, and using tax dollars to help them
get reelected.
Phoenix Vice Mayor Michael Johnson who is a former Phoenix Police Officer
used more than $20,000 to attend conferences.
Phoenix City Councilwoman Thelda Williams spent
almost $3,000 at Turf Paradise for a dance and dinner
From the
it sounds like the Phoenix City Council members are saying that since
Phoenix annually spends $3.5 billion it's no big deal if the
members of the Phoenix city council rip off the taxpayers for $80,000 annually.
Those are my words.
In the
they justified the theft with much more politically correct words.
- Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will say anything to get elected???
From this
it sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will tell you
anything and everything he thinks you want to hear in
and attempt to get you to vote for him.
In the
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton promised to repeal a 2 percent
sales tax on food in April of 2013 if he was elected Mayor of
Now it looks like that was a big lie he just said to get elected.
- Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber who wants to
flush your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
down the toilet???
From this
it sure seems like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber.
Since the incident happened at Papago Park Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
has behaved like a government tyrant and refused to respond to my requests
for public records or even answer my emails.
Do you really think a government tyrant like that would give the serfs he
rules over the right to have guns?
- Another
which seems to say that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
will say anything to get elected.
says Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton promised to repeal the Phoenix food tax
but that seems to be a lie and he isn't going to do it.
Of course that is probably because Greg Stanton supports the police state
and knows he will get the vote of the 3,000 Phoenix Police Officers who will
get paid with the money the food tax bring in.
- Here is another
which seems to say that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
is a gun grabber who wants to flush your Second Amendment
right to own a gun down the toilet.
According to this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a member of the organization
"Mayors Against Illegal Guns".
- In this
article we find out
the Phoenix Police are encrypting their radio transmissions making them
secret to prevent public from hearing them.
When ever I take the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer police questions the cops
always tell me I must be a criminal with something to hide if I exercise my
constitutional right to refuse to answer police questions.
I am sure the same thing is true here and the police would like to keep their dirty
criminal secrets from becoming public.
- According to this
the city of Phoenix is subsidizing the wealthy mans sport of golf.
Years ago the city of Phoenix voted to stop subsidizing the
wealthy mans sport of golf and said all the Phoenix government
golf courses had to charge fees high enough to recoup their
operating expenses.
Of course that never happened and for years the
Phoenix government golf courses illegally lost millions of dollars.
Of course the obvious solution is for the city of Phoenix to get
out of the golf business, but that ain't going to happen.
And of course with the city of Phoenix golf course offering
golfing at dirt cheep subsidized prices there is never going
to be an incentive for private golf course to open and provide
the same services at market prices.
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Stanton is all for cutting the other guys Federal pork,
but Phoenix Mayor Stanton wants to keep HIS Federal pork.
And of course that is why the system is so f*cked up.
everybody wants their Federal pork and expects somebody else
to pay for it.
- In this
it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a liar who
will say anything to get elected???
Before the election Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton promised to
cut the food tax, which is mostly used to give cops or Phoenix
police officers raises.
But after the election Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton seems to
want to let the cops keep the pork and refuses to cut the tax
he promised to cut before the election.
Let's face it, government isn't about the will of the people,
it's about giving government pork to the folks who helped you
get elected, and in this case it's about keeping the sales tax on
food so the cops can keep their higher pay.
- According to this
there are no ethics rules for Phoenix City Council members
which require them to obey the same ethics as normal city of
Phoenix employees???
On the other hand even when there are iron clad rules on the
ethics and criminal behavior of government employees they
are usually toothless rules that are not enforced, because the
same employees who are supposed to obey the rules are charged
with enforcing the rules.
And when the fox is given the job of preventing the fox from raiding
the chicken house you really can't expect the fox to prevent himself
from raiding the chicken house and blaming the raid on other unknown
- The more you read about Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton the more
he sounds like a gun grabber who wants to flush the Second Amendment
down the toilet.
In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton wants to hold gun buybacks
and melt the guns down. Something that is probably illegal and
unconstitutional under Arizona law.
Mr Greg Stanton I have news for you.
I am sure you consider yourself a royal government ruler
who is above the law and can do any thing you want because
you are mayor.
Well criminals on the street are pretty much like you elected
criminals in the government and they also consider themselves
above the law.
And of course some criminals who knows it is wrong to rob Circle Ks
is certainly not going to obey some silly law you pass making it illegal
for him to have a gun in the city of Phoenix.
The only people that will obey your silly gun control laws are
honest law abiding people who shouldn't be prevented from
owning guns.
- According to this
Phoenix Police Detective Saldate gets confessions from unconscious people on hospital gurneys.
Well according to the
that is only when he isn't busy lying to grand juries to get his man.
The royal rules on the Phoenix City Council usually blindly back the
cops that work for them without even asking for a shred of evidence
to verify what they are saying.
I wonder if the current members of the Phoenix City Council think that
Phoenix Police Detective Saldate is a hero for getting his confession from
- According to this
it looks like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton reneged on promise to repeal a
2 percent sale tax on food which mostly goes to the Phoenix Police.
Of course that is a polite way of saying it.
I suspect that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will say ANYTHING to get elected.
- And here is another
about how Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton lied and said he would repeal a
2 percent sales tax on food.
- And here is another
about how Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton lied and said he would repeal a
2 percent sales tax on food.
is titled
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton pulls a fast one on voters
I suspect Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is selling out to the the 3,000 or so members
of the Phoenix Police who get get most of the cash the 2 percent sales tax brings in.
In most city elections less then 5 percent of the registered voters actually vote.
And in that case the 3,000 or so registered voters who are also
Phoenix police officers can certainly swing an election.
Sadly when so few people vote, it is easy for special interest groups,
like the Phoenix Police to swing an election to the candidate that
gives them the most government pork.
According to this
the $1.58 billion Sky Train pork project will be opening
on April 8, 2013.
Por este
la 8 de abril será inaugurado al público el PHX Sky Train
que conectará la Terminal 4 con el estacionamiento
este del Aeropuerto Sky Harbor de Phoenix y con la
estación del tren ligero, ubicada en la Calle 44 y Washington.
The royal rulers of Phoenix love to tell us that no taxes were used
to build the $1.58 billion Sky Train pork project.
But that is an outright lie.
Every person that flies out of Sky Harbor Airport, to Sky Harbor Airport,
or even is on a flight that passes thru Sky Harbor Airport is shaken down
by the city of Phoenix for a $4.50 tax on their plane ticket.
Read more about the $1.58 billion Phoenix Sky Train pork project here
In this
it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber who wants
to flush your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms down the toilet.
is about several gun buybacks which the city of Phoenix is having in May.
Time after time gun buybacks have been proven worthless in preventing crime and
in fact some cops in the
say gun buybacks don't prevent time.
- Phoenix’s mayor has shed his scruples in record time???
In this
Letter to the Editor
that's what Dale Douglas of Phoenix says about Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton.
Does Dale Douglas thinks Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a jerk???
Probably, and if he does I certainly agree with him.
I feel the same way about former Phoenix Mayor Terry Goddard.
When I was a young and naive socialist and didn't know that
government was just a legalized form of the Mafia, Phoenix Mayor Terry Goddard was my hero.
But I witnessed Phoenix Mayor Terry Goddard
pretty much break every campaign promise he made.
So thanks to Phoenix Mayor Terry Goddard I pretty much
realized that almost all of our government rulers are pretty
much crooks and liars who will say anything to get elected.
So I currently think Terry Goddard is a criminal who belongs
in prison, not a public servant in office pretending to work for me.
I don't think Terry Goddard is currently an elected official,
but I think his last elected office was as Arizona's Attorney General.
Yea, the last thing in the world we need is a crook in the Attorney Generals office.
- In this
Robert Robb seems to be saying that
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a lying hypocrite?????
Of course Robert Robb didn't use those exact words,
but if Robert Robb is calling Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
a lying hypocrite who will say anything to get elected I suspect he
is right.
Of course Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton isn't the only politician
that will lie and say anything to get elected.
Sadly most of them are liars who will say anything to get elected.
The only politicians who will tell you the truth, even when they know
you will disagree with them are Ron Paul and of course Barry Goldwater,
who died a while back.
- En este
el alcalde de Phoenix, Greg Stanton es "gun grabber".
Yes in article
it sure sound like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber.
- In this
Phoenix Parks and Recreation employee Arthur Rey Juarez
seems to get his jollies by having sex with little children!!!!
- In this
Republican Bob Thorpe said he wanted to provide Democratic and
Republican members safety options,
i.e. bulletproof vests.
Hmmm, I wonder, do the crooks at the Arizona Legislature think
us serfs are tired of them robbing us blind and micromanaging our lives.
Like their attempts to flush Prop 203 down the toilet?
Maybe that's why
- In this
Bulletproof vests for elected officials?
- In this
the gun grabbers on the Phoenix City Council banned gun ads at bus stops,
and both the Goldwater Institute and the American Civil Rights Union (ACLU)
are going to sue them???
- In this
a judge says that Phoenix officers must do union work off the clock.
Remember cops and police unions are a special special
interest group that trades their votes for government pork.
And of course in this case the Phoenix City Council
has been bribed by the Phoenix Police has has been giving
them millions of dollars in government pork in exchange for their votes.
Mayor Greg Stanton you should be ashamed of your behavior!!!!
Of course I bet you will be ashamed all the way to the bank.
- In this
the city of Phoenix seems to be wasting our tax dollars cracking down on
people who commit the victimless crime of having a messy yard.
I suspect the proposed fees in the
are as unconstitutional as the messy yard laws.
- In this
we are asked Will Mayor Stanton do double flip on Phoenix food tax?
When Mayor Stanton was running to be elected mayor he promised to
cut the sales tax.
It sounds like Mayor Stanton lied about that and is refusing to cut
the sale tax, because the special interest group that helped him get into
power wants to keep the sales tax because it is their bread and butter.
Of course that special interest group is the Phoenix Police who get their
high salaries from the sales tax.
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and the other Phoenix City Council members
sure sound like they are gun grabbers. Those Phoenix City Councilmen and
councilwomen that sound like gun grabbers are:
Thelda Williams, Daniel Valenzuela, Jim Waring,
Sal DiCiccio, Bill Gates, Tom Simplot and Michael Johnson.
- In this
it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton has sold out to the
special interest groups in the Phoenix police and fire departments.
The article is titled
"Legality of boosting Phoenix police pensions in question"
and from this
it sounds like the Phoenix City Council has sold out
to the special interest groups in the Phoenix police and fire departments.
They are giving them boatloads of money that are illegal under Arizona law.
In return for all this cash the members of the Phoenix city council
get the votes of the 3,000 Phoenix police officers and
1,600 Phoenix firemen.
the cops get a boat load of cash, and the taxpayers get screwed.
Those 4,600 votes may not sounds like much, but in a typical city elections
where a measly 5 percent of the registered voters show up and vote, those
4,600 police votes can easily throw the election.
- Here is another
about Phoenix Mayor Greg Stantons big lie to end the 2 percent Phoenix
sales tax on food.
is titled
"Phoenix to phase out food tax....maybe".
- Here is another
which seems to say that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber.
From this
it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber and
wants to flush our Second Amendment rights down the toilet.
- In this
Phoenix Councilman Tom Simplot wants to create a government welfare program
to give low cost housing to rich yuppies in the downtown Phoenix area.
Sadly Phoenix Councilman Tom Simplot may have come up with this government
welfare program for rich yuppies to line his pockets with government cash.
The article points out that "Simplot, [is] president of the Arizona Multi-housing
Association, a trade organization for apartment communities"
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton shovels pork to the Phoenix police and firemen???
For that matter the
say that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is breaking the law by giving all this
free pork to the Phoenix police and firemen.
If you ask me it sounds like he is buying votes from the
3,000 cops and 1,500 firemen that work for the city of Phoenix.
Those 4,500 votes may not sound like a lot,
but when you have elections where only 5 percent
of the registered voters actually show up and vote, 4,500 votes can swing an election.
- In this
it sure sounds like the dates of elections in Phoenix are
rigged to be held on dates which will help the special interests
win the elections.
Those special interest groups tend to be the police and fire department unions.
- In this
which was written by Mesa City Councilman Scott Sommers it sure sounds like
politicians like Scott Sommers and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton are addicted to Federal
pork and constantly using it to turn America into a bigger police state.
As H. L. Mencken said:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
(and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an
endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
- In this
the city of Phoenix tries to screw victims of light rail construction???
Our royal government rulers love to tell us that they are "public servants"
but in reality they are just "public crooks" who rob us blind and give the
stolen loot to themselves and the special interest groups that helped them
get into power.
- In this
it says there are about 2,400 retired Phoenix cops and firefighters who are paid
about $59,341 a year by the taxpayers of Phoenix.
From this
it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a liar who will say anything to get elected.
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton Stanton lied to the public when he had campaigned
and said he would end this practice in this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton also lied to the public when he campaigned and
said he would end the temporary Phoenix sales tax, which mostly goes to the
Phoenix police and fire departments.
It sure looks like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton doesn't support the people that elected him,
but rather is owned by the special interest groups in the Phoenix Police and
Phoenix Fire Department unions.
I suspect those 2,400 retired Phoenix cops and firefighters vote for
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton because he supports their government pork.
- Here is another
about the illegal police practice of padding pensions which Mayor Greg Stanton and
the rest of the Phoenix City Council members seem to support.
Don't expect Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton to stop this illegal practice by the Phoenix Police.
Mayor Greg Stanton seems to be owned by the police unions. And no those are not bribes.
The correct word is campaign contributions.
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton also lied to us when he ran for election saying he would
repeal the Phoenix sales tax, which mostly goes to the police.
- Go to jail for feeding Fido hamburger instead of steak????
According to this
if you feed Fido hamburger meat instead of steak
that could be animal cruelty according to this silly Phoenix law???
Do you have to let them drink Perrier water instead of the yucky tasting
Phoenix water to avoid being popped by the Phoenix PD for animal cruelty???
I suspect this law will be selectively enforced like most city laws are,
and only people that the police or royal rulers of Phoenix dislike will be
arrested for feeding Fido low quality food.
- From these
posted at Papago Park it seems like the city of Phoenix, Arizona
has two different laws, one set of laws for Mexicans and another
set of laws for Whites.
Well no, make that one set of laws for Spanish speaking people and
another let of laws for English speaking people.
- From this
it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton loves
bribes gifts.
I'm sorry did I say bribes??? I ment to say gifts.
On the other hand for us serfs Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
rules over there isn't much difference in our minds between a
bribe, campaign contribution and gift.
So Mayor Greg Stanton why don't you pass a law making it illegal for
any member of the Phoenix City Council to accept gifts???
Probably because gifts are a great way to make a bribe seem legal??
Well Mayor it's your choice. You can continue to look like a crook and
accept gifts that often looks like bribes. Or you can pass a law making
it illegal for you to accept any gifts.
I am sure you won't do the right thing. After all you need the money,
oops I mean the gifts.
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton shoves the BS on open government
and government accountability.
Yea, that's the same Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton who lied to us
and said he would repeal the 2 percent Phoenix sales tax when
in ran for office in 2011.
Of course I am sure if you ask Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
about it he will claim he is not lying THIS time.
I bet he will also say he wasn't lying about repealing that 2 percent
sales tax and come up with some cockamamie excuse on why it wasn't
a lie when he said he would repeal the sales tax.
- In this
letter to the editor
Jim Rogers of Phoenix thinks that
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
editorial piece
was a bunch of hot air and BS.
Looks like I am not the only one that thought Mayor Greg Stanton's
"letter to the editor"
"My Turn"
column was a bunch of BS.
Mayor Greg Stanton is the guy who lied to us
and said if he was elected Mayor of Phoenix he would
repeal the 2 percent sales tax that goes mostly to the police.
He didn't and a number of us think it is because Mayor Greg Stanton
is owned lock, stock and barrel by the police and fire department unions.
- In this
Kyrsten Sinema seems to be shoveling the BS and
saying anything it will take to get her relected as
a US Congresswoman or US Congressman.
Kyrsten Sinema
is the Arizona politician that tried to slap a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton appears to be shoveling the BS???
Most politicians are liars and hypocrites who will say anything to get re-elected.
In this
I suspect Mayor Greg Stanton is doing that.
- In this
the Phoenix Convention Center continue to lose money like a drunken sailor
and the royals rulers on the Phoenix City Councile want the State of Arizona to bail them out
for their mistakes.
- In this
we find out that the Sky Train at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport is a big time ripoff.
Each ride costs $22.
that seems to praise the billion dollar Sky Train pork project at
Sky Harbor International Airport at least admits that the cost of a ride
on the Sky Train is outrageously expensive.
The article says each one way ride on Sky Train costs $22
for the lousy half mile ride from Terminal 4, thru a parking garage
and then to the light rail station on Washington & 44th Street.
- In this
Phoenix Police Union and the Phoenix Firemen Unions want to boot Sal DiCiccio out of office
because he doesn't believe in giving boatloads of government pork to cops and firemen.
When cops and firemen talk about "good government" it doesn't mean good government
as most of us think.
To cops and firemen "good government" means shoveling pork along with super high pay
raises to cops in firemen giving them high paying do nothing jobs.
- In this
it sounds like the Phoenix Police and the Phoenix Firemen
have violated campaign-finance laws in their effort to boot Sal DiCiccio
off of the Phoenix City Council.
The Phoenix Police Union and the Phoenix Firemen's Union both
want to boot Sal DiCiccio out of office because he is against
big time government pork for cops and firemen.
- In this
our Phoenix rulers said if we approved a bond to expand the convention center,
private investors would build a new downtown hotel to support it.
That was a lie.
Our Phoenix rulers ended up using our tax dollars to build a new downtown hotel.
Next our Phoenix rulers conned legislators into picking up half the cost of the expansion,
they promised that it wouldn’t actually cost the state anything.
Again that was a lie.
Now our Phoenix rulers want to renege or renegotiate.
- Is Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton lying again about his support for
pork for the Phoenix Police and Phoenix Police unions???
According to this
Phoenix Mayour Greg Stanton claims he wants to to end pension ‘spiking’
which is almost certainly illegal.
I suspect that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is just shoveling the BS in this article to get votes.
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton seems to be owned by the police and fire department unions.
When Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton was running for Mayor
he promised to end a sales tax which goes mostly for public safety, or the police.
That promise was a LIE.
I suspect that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton claim that he
wants to end spiking is just another lie designed to help him get reelected.
- In this
it sounds like these Blockwatch grants or Blockwatch programs are a big huge
waste of money that do almost nothing to stop crime, like they are supposed to do.
On the other hand the Blockwatch grants or Blockwatch programs in this
sound like a government welfare program for cops which pays police officers
up to $60 and hour for cushy do nothing jobs that are basically brainwashing the
children to believe that cops are wonderful people.
And of course last but not least the
Blockwatch grants or Blockwatch programs in this
seem to be a government program to brainwash the children into thinking that
the police are wonderful.
Didn't Hitler and Stalin have these programs in their countries to brainwash the
kiddies into loving government thugs???
- In this
the Goldwater Institute files a lawsuit to stop the city of Phoenix practice of
allowing cops to illegally spike their pensions.
- In this
The Arizona Republic thinks that Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton should
start obeying the law and stop allowing Phoenix Police officers to illegally
spike their pensions.
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton isn't the only government bureaucrat that makes
up imaginary laws and enforces them on us at gun point.
In this
Arizona DHS Director Will Humble makes up some imaginary laws laws
about medical marijuana.
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and the other members of the Phoenix City Council
are accused of helping Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos take the Phoenix taxpayers
to the cleaners.
- In this
we find out that the secret spy folks at the NSA and their
British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters or GCHQ
can read your emails and other web or internet communications even when they
are encrypted.
is titled
"Files show NSA cracks, weakens Internet encryption"
- According to this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton has been allowing the city of Phoenix to violate
the Arizona Constitution and spend $75,000 a year on a church or chapel
at Sky Harbor Airport.
- In this
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton seems to be helping Phoenix City Manager
Cavazos spike his pension pay.
Let's face it Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton doesn't work for the taxpayers,
he works for the government bureaucrats in the city of Phoenix.
- When it comes to making up
imaginary laws
the government tyrants
at the City of Phoenix aren't the only ones who can do it.
Will Humble who is the Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services
seems to have come up with a whole bunch of
imaginary definitions
of what
medical marijuana is.
Of course these
imaginary definitions
medical marijuana
exist only in the mind of Will Humble and in the minds of police officers who are angry that
Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act have cut into their full employment
jobs program which is also called the war on drugs.
OK, here are the
imaginary laws
medical marijuana
that Will Humble wants us to believe!!!!!