Phoenix Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor Sued

Phoenix City Council member Sal DiCiccio

  Phoenix City Council member Sal DiCiccio likes to paint himself as a conservative freedom fighter who is on the side of the people and is against big, bad government.

But Sal DiCiccio he isn't any more of a conservative freedom fighter then Hitler was.

In this article Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio defends his vote to give Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos a 33 percent raise of $78,000 bumping his salary from $237,000 to $315,000 a year.

Here are some of the articles about the 33 percent raise of $78,000 that the Phoenix City Council members voted to give Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos bumping his salary from $237,000 to $315,000 a year.

Last but not least our so called freedom fighter Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio has not respond to any of my emails or requests for public records about this incident.

You would figure that if Sal DiCiccio was a freedom fighter who helps the little guy fight big government he would be angry as hell about this incident and would have responded to my emails.

But up to this point in time (Saturday, December 22, 2012) Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio hasn't responded to any of my emails or done anything.


Into the mind of ... Sal DiCiccio

Dec. 22, 2012 12:00 AM

The Republic |

The Phoenix City Council member [Sal DiCiccio] explains why City Manager David Cavazos deserved a large raise.

Your vote for City Manager David Cavazos' 33 percent raise was a surprise. How much flak are you getting?

Some. David has been an outstanding manager. The council knew this would be a tough decision, but it was correct. Citizens have every right to seek answers; it's their money.

Look what we accomplished last year, the plan for the future, and then decide if it was right. The pay increase was partially based on his accomplishments, but more importantly we created specific performance measures ensuring structural change and reforms.

It is no secret government reform is my No. 1 priority. For Phoenix to compete in a global economy, a new structure is required. We need the right quarterback who can move the ball. David is Phoenix's franchise player.

You made your mark looking for every possible cut. Why did you think the pay increase was justified?

Significant government waste has been cut, and we are going to do more. Here are specific reforms and savings passed this year alone: We created a best-in-the-country 24-hour model -- businesses big and small can get permits and begin operations within 24 hours. Other cities take 6 to 8 months. We had no property-tax or rate increase, no water/sewer increase, while other governments raised them.

Phoenix was the first government to adopt zero-based budgeting, guaranteeing transparency. We have the largest-ever "rainy-day fund" ($41 million) and cut $59 million per year, including significant red tape.

Those were great accomplishments, but the future demands more, and performance measures for David will ensure long-term structural changes:

1. Save: $100 million per year. 2. Job creation: Cut more red tape by expanding the 24-hour model. 3. Customer service: All departments move to 24/7 operations and be known for it nationally. 4. Personnel reform: Move from entitlement structure to pay for performance. 5. Continue increasing the rainy-day fund.

What do you say to people who note the median household income in Phoenix is barely more than half the additional pay Cavazos will receive?

With $41 million in the rainy-day fund, $59 million saved through innovations and efficiencies and $277 million deficit erased, we have seen a $377 million shift since David took over.

You've pushed to reduce red tape at City Hall. How is it going?

We're winning big! Big and small businesses can now start operations in Phoenix in 24 hours, in what took 6-8 months, making Phoenix the best place nationally for business.

This summer, we will move to electronic and instantaneous permitting.

What else is on your plate?

Council members Thelda Williams, Michael Nowakowski and I are working together to make domestic violence a top priority for Phoenix, as it was when I was on the council in the 1990s. We want to make Phoenix the best nationally.

Nowakowski and I have been working on a plan to improve trade with Mexico, our biggest and underexplored partner.

Cavazos, Councilman Jim Waring and I are working to change Phoenix's culture to be customer-focused and be the first nationally to adopt a 24/7 model for our departments.

I have been working hard with Valley cities promoting the 24-hour job-creation model. Imagine if our entire region was known for this.


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