Remember to file a claim against maricopa county That way if i sue them in the county court I have done the required paper work At about 1:00 p.m. on Friday April 18, 2008 I was falsely arrested by Randall Carney #1429 and two or three other Maricopa County SHeriff's Officers and maybe one or two of the building guards in the white uniforms. I was in the law library on the 2nd floor and they all came up wearing green or blue rubber gloves. They asked me what I was doing and I said using the computers. I don't remeber what they said exactly but it was something like they are going to tresspass me from the building. Randall Carney did tell me that I was not under arrest. But that was a lie because they did arrest me and escort me out of the library. I was NOT free to use the library. I was not free to do anything. I was being escorted out of the library and if I did not comply I would have been physically forced out of the library. Randall asked me my name and I told him I didn't want to give it to him. I should give him credit because when I refused he didn't tell me that I would be arrested or make any threats saying that I had to tell him my name. Randall and one or two other cops escorted me down the elevator. One cop in white was waiting at the stairs to keep me from gong back. WHen we got outside Randall Carney told me I was being trespassed and would be arrested if I ever came back to the building. I assume that means the whole Maricopa COunty Law Complex. I asked him how I could get a copy of the report that said exactly what I am doing wrong. He said something about hygine. Then he told me that unless I gave him a name and and address I would not be told why I was arrested and removed from the building. He also said something about IF I HAD AN ADDRESS which made me think that I was being accused of being homelesss or being removed from the building because I was homeless. I suspect the people working in the library asked them to arrest and remove me from the library. Although I have never done anything wrong or caused any problems in the library. Perhaps it was the poo poo cleaning lady. As I was going to lunch the cleaning lady was in front of the mens restroom. I asked her if i could use it. She replyed mostly in Spanish and about the only thing I could understand was her English statments about not dirtying things up with poo poo. And said something to the effect that she would kick me out if i dirtied stuff up. Since I had major problems understanding her I didn't want to have any problems so I just said something like no problem I will find a restroom esle where. That was at 11:00 a.m. I wasn't arrested till about 1:00 p.m. But I really think the problem was the library people think I am homeless and asked the cops to kick me out. Although I have never done anything to bother them. I also wonder about the Black guy who would come in with several big black plastic garbage bags full of stuff. I wonder did they also arrest him and tell him never to come back to the library because he looks homeless. Last remember that the county employees always come to the law library to use the internet. They get their e-mail, read the news and just surf the web in general. The one employee I remember most is the hot young girl who is a mail clerk or something. She is always there surfing the web with her mail boxes. Also the gaurds that search people who come into the county building also come up to the law library and use the internet computers on their breaks. That includes some of them who treat me like sh*t and who I consider *holes. Such as the short bald guy. I suspect the reason all the cops were wearing rubber gloves is they consider me to be vermin and they were planning on beating me up and physicaly removing me from the library if I gave them the slightest bit of resistance. Stuff I need to do. I get the names of the other cops that arrested me from Randall Carney #1429. I should also sue the Maricopa County Supervisors they approve all of this stuff. I should also get the names of the employees that were working in the law library from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. and sue them. They probably asked the cops to remove me. I might want to sue the guards who search me when I come. Perhaps they assume I am a piece of homeless vermin and want to remove me from the building so they don't have to search me. Last I should sue the gaurd that search me every morning when I come. They have violated my civil rights a number of times. Today the *sshole gaurd opened my film container and searched it. Several times they have searched my burrito. Last remember that i cant even sue them in their court because I will be arrested if I go to their building 1st Amendment violated cuz I cant file lawsuits and stuff 1st Amendment violated cuz I can't read law books 5th Amendment violated cuz the cop told me that I can't be told why I was kicked out of the library unless I give him a name and address. 14th Amendment violated because when state, county of city government goons violate your Bill of Rights stuff it always is a 14th Amendment violation. Cuz they didn't have to obey the bill of rights till the 14th Amendment was passed. Stuff I need to get copies of 1) video tapes in the library 2) all phone calls between people in library and cops 3) all radio transmissions between the cops 4) all emails and notes 5) I should get the names of all the library employees working from 9 am to 1 pm that day so I can question them and sue them.