Letters & E-mails in Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit

Where can I serve you with your copy of the lawsuit

From: Carl Drega
Phil Bradstock, Program Manager, 
                                                                                   Business Retention Division & Phoenix Film Office
                                                                                   Community and Economic Development
                                                                                   philip.bradstock@phoenix.gov Philip Bradstock
Film Office
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton Mayor Greg Stanton
Phoenix City Councilman Thelda Williams - 
                                                                                 Phoenix City Councilwoman Thelda Williams Thelda Williams
Phoenix City Councilman Jim Waring Jim Waring
Phoenix City Councilman Bill Gates Bill Gates
Phoenix City Councilman Tom Simplot Tom Simplot
Phoenix City Councilman Daniel Valenzula Daniel Valenzuela
Phoenix City Council
District 5 Councilman
Home of Starlight Park
602.262.7446 (o)
602.495.0628 (f)
Phoenix City Councilman Sal Diciccio Sal DiCiccio
Phoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski Michael Nowakowski
Phoenix City Councilman Michael Johnson - 
                                                                                    Phoenix Vice mayor  Michael Johnson Vice Mayor Michael Johnson
Date: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 3:44 PM
Subject:Lawsuit - Where can I serve you with your papers
Dear Sirs:

I am going to be filing a lawsuit in Federal court suing you and the city of Phoenix for false arrest, civil rights violations and failing to obey the Arizona Public records laws.

In the past when I have sued crooked government officials instead of having the US Marshals server you with your papers I have simply mailed copies of the lawsuit to the attorney who will be representing you in court and they have waived the process of forcing me to serve you.

I suspect that in this case the Phoenix City Attorney will be representing you all in this lawsuit I plan to file against you.

My question is who and where should I mail copies of the lawsuit to in the Phoenix City Attorney's office?

I will be also suing Phoenix Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor in the lawsuit. He is the cop that falsely arrested us and started the problem.

While in the old days the courts allowed crooked politicians to hide and try to avoiding being served I understand those days are gone and the judge will bet very angry if you refuse to allow me to serve you with your papers by mail.

So can you please tell me where to mail copies of the lawsuit to so you can be served with your papers?




Park Ranger G. Sotomayor Lawsuit
Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit