Letters & E-mails in Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit

2nd Letter to City Council asking if they deleteted their authority to Philip Bradstock

From: Carl Drega
To: mayor.stanton@phoenix.gov p1 p10 9 More...
Date: Saturday, December 8, 2012 2:01 PM
Subject:Re: Did you delegate your authority to make laws to Philip Bradstock???
Dear Mayor and City Council members:

About 2 weeks ago on Saturday, November 24, 2012 I sent you the attached email which is a request for public records asking if you delegated your authority to make laws to Philip Bradstock.

You still have not responded to my request for public records.

You are almost certainly in violation of A.R.S 39 §121 which says you must answer request for public records as soon as possible.

Can you please answer this request for public records as soon as possible?




Park Ranger G. Sotomayor Lawsuit
Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit