Letters & E-mails in Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit

4th letter to Phoenix Police Detective Aaron Stevens

Do the Phoenix Police investigate crimes committed by City of Phoenix Employees???

  This is the second letter on this subject that I have written to Detective Aaron Stevens.

Detective Aaron Stevens didn't respond to the first letter.

From: Carl Drega
To: Detective Aaron Stevens #7398
Phoenix Police
Mountain View Precinct
Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 7:49 PM
Subject:Re: question about Phoenix laws
Dear Detective Aaron Stevens, Phoenix Police:

About 2 weeks ago on Monday, November 5, 2012 4:19 PM telling you that I thought that some Phoenix city employees might be involved in some criminal activity where they are making up imaginary laws and fraudulently charging people fees to shoot photos in Phoenix City Parks.

You didn't respond to my email.

Do the Phoenix Police investigate city of Phoenix employees who are suspected of being involved in criminal activity?

And if you do is their anything the Phoenix Police can do about this?

I wouldn't waste my time reporting a Phoenix Police officer that I thought was involved in a crime, because they rarely ever get charged with crimes, and when they do they usually get a slap on the wrist for punishment, if they get punished at all.

But I thought that when Phoenix employees, other then police officers committed crimes the Phoenix Police Department invested the crime and arrested the employee if there was "probable cause" that they committed a crime.




Park Ranger G. Sotomayor Lawsuit
Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit