Letters & E-mails in Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit

4th letter to Mayor Greg Stanton & Toni MacCarone

  So far I have written Mayor Greg Stanton 4 letters on this issue and I still have not received the information I want.

So I am writing again.

Don't worry if this email doesn't get answered or if they actually do answer the email, but blow me off and don't give me the information I requested I won't be a bit surprised.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.

By now I am pretty sure I am getting the runaround by Phoenix Mayor Stanton and I don't expect things to improve.

From: Carl Drega
To: toni.maccarone@phoenix.gov
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
Date: Saturday, November 10, 2012 5:43 PM
Subject:Re: Is it legal to shoot still photos in Phoenix parks???
Dear Mayor Stanton and Toni Maccarone:

This is the fourth letter I have sent you making a request for public records and you still have not answered my questions or giving me the public records telling me about the laws I am asking for information on.

The last letter I sent you was sent on Monday, November 5 at 1:33 PM.

You are almost certainly in violation of Arizona Public Records laws which is A.R.S 39 §121.

A.R.S 39 §121 says requests for public records must be answered as soon as possible. The first letter I sent you was on October 27. So it's been over two weeks since I sent you my request.

If you guys expect us to obey the laws you pass it would be real nice if you tell us what the laws are when we ask about them.

Here is a repeat of what I said in my last email. Please answer my request for public records as soon as possible.

As in My original letter I asked if there were ANY laws that cover shooting photos of ANY KIND in Phoenix city parks.

That would be still commercial photos, still non-commercial photos and of course still photos shot by private citizens for their own private use.

And of course that would also be motion pictures, or videos shot for either commercial or non-commercial purposes.

And I don't want a yes or no answer.

I want the names and numbers of the laws passed by the Phoenix Council that cover this issue.

I also want the names and numbers of any laws passed by the Phoenix City Council that define the definition of commercial and non-commercial and

OK that is what I want. Can you tell me what law numbers in the Phoenix City Code cover this issue?

That is what I thought that you don't need to get a permit or pay the city of Phoenix any money to shoot private photos in a city park.

Can you give me the numbers of any laws in the city of Phoenix code that cover taking pictures in parks by private citizens, if there are any?




Park Ranger G. Sotomayor Lawsuit
Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit