You were not “arrested” on Friday at about 1:00 p.m. You were merely escorted out of the East Court Law Library at the request of the Law Library Supervisor, and you were Trespassed (a lawful command by a law enforcement officer), being warned not to return to this government property. Unless you have a legal reason for being in this Courthouse, you will be in violation of a lawful order, and you can be cited and/or arrested for failure to comply and charged with Trespassing. I cannot provide you with the names of the other officers that assisted in your removal from the Courthouse.
From: Shini Title
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 12:34 PM
To: Randall Carney - SHERIFFX
Subject: Can you give me one more piece of information about my arrest?
Dear Deputy Randall Carney:
Friday at about 1:00 p.m. you and two or three other police officers arrested me in the law library at the Maricopa County Legal Complex on Jefferson and First Avenue . After escorting me out of the building you told me that if I ever cam back to the Maricopa County Legal Complex on 1st Avenue and Jefferson that I would be arrested for trespassing.
Can you give me the names of the other two or there officers who assisted you in arresting me and removing me from the building?