Phoenix Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor Sued




Black's Law Dictionary - Deluxe Ninth Edition says that an arrest is
a seizure or forcible restraint
So I guess because he ordered us to stop shooting photos we were forcefully restrained and thus arrested.

Rain also said that the Park Ranger threatened to arrest us so I say we were arrested on the basis of that which is:
were WERE arrested. We were stopped from doing a legal activity, threatened with detainment (aka call the cops), etc.

Public records law

The question is when government bureaucrats refuse to obey
Arizona's public record laws what can be done about it?

The Arizona Public Records laws I am talking about here is covered in A.R.S 39 §121.

Well to be quite honest NOTHING.

Sadly Arizona's public records laws are toothless laws in which there is absolutely no punishment, penalty or fine for government bureaucrats who refuse to obey the laws.

You only recourse if a government bureaucrat refuses to obey the law is to sue the government bureaucrat.

And the law doesn't even force them to pay your attorneys fees if you win. The law says the court can, give you the fees you spent on attorneys if you win, but the court doesn't have to give you your attorneys fees.

Sadly Arizona Public Records laws were written to give us serfs the illusion that we have the right to view public records.

Of course in reality we don't have any right to view the public records, and if an elected official or appointed government bureaucrat refuses to obey the public records laws there isn't anything you can do but sue them.

There is a toothless agency that will investigate public record violations. But they can't force elected officials or appointed bureaucrats to give you the public records you requested.

All they can do is

  1. Determine that the agency violated the public records laws.
  2. Send a letter to the Arizona governor saying the agency violated the public records laws.

Other then that the agency can't do squat.

If you want to bang your head against the wall and waste your time getting this agency to do absolutely nothing to help you here is their address.

Arizona Ombudsman-Citizens' Aide
3737 N. 7th Street, Suite 209
Phoenix AZ 85014

(602) 277-7292
(602) 277-7312 Fax


Why am I going to waste my time complaining to this toothless government agency that the bureaucrats in the city of Phoenix are refusing to honor my requests for public records?

Well before I file a lawsuit suing them for civil rights violations and false arrest in Federal court I would like to have all the laws that the city of Phoenix has passed on this issue in front of me.

And I will file a complain with these folks to show that I made every effort to get those laws.


Park Ranger G. Sotomayor Lawsuit
Park Ranger Carlos Sotomayor Lawsuit